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Please Provide the Date Code Stamp Located on your Product. It is usually stamped on the under side of the item.

Lids have their own Date Code Stamp.


Please see the Image to the right and fill out the lines below accordingly.

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Copyright ©2016 by HMS Mfg. Co.   |   All Rights Reserved.   |   Hefty® is used under license to HMS Mfg. Co.   |   Terms of Use   |   Privacy Policy  |  California Transparency in Supply Chains Act | Patents | Notice to CA Residents | HMS Mfg. Co. has become certified as a women’s business enterprise by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)

Please Provide the Date Code Stamp Located on your Product. It is usually stamped on the under side of the item.

Lids have their own Date Code Stamp.


Please see the Image below and fill out the lines below accordingly.